Monday, January 18, 2010

Rain Finally Arrives in Sunny SoCal

After a long wait, it looks like the southern California rainy season has finally arrived. It has been raining steadily since last night. And, it is supposed to last all week. We desperately need this water in our drought stricken land and this is a nice way to start the new year. Though my heart goes out to those in the burn areas since this rain could create more hardships for them.

I will say the garden is loving the rain. Well, at least at the moment, it is loving it. I do worry that if the rain continues all week and if the precipitation is too long and too hard that we may have a few casualties. Lettuces and other delicate plants can only take so much pummeling from above.

According to one set of forecasts from AccuWeather, we may have rain next week as well. There was a prediction of an El Nino condition this rainy season...may be this is the beginning.